Guest posts

Be our guest!
If there's one thing we know about blended and flexible learning, it's that it's happening all around our university, through the work of our many fantastic educators. What we'd like to do through this blog is offer the staff of Charles Sturt University (CSU) the opportunity to share projects that they have been working on, that may not have had as wide impact as they would have liked, with the rest of our community.

It's a response to something we hear every day - 'I'd love to hear more success stories, more examples of what everyone is doing, what has already worked, what might be useful for me to try in my course/subject'. It's also a response to the many people we've spoken to who would love to write a blog, but don't have the time or energy to maintain it. This gives you a chance to be a contributor, without the responsibility of maintaining a blog over time.

So if you've been doing something cool in BFL that's making a difference with your students, now's your chance. We're inviting guest contributions, to supplement those posts which will come from FLI. If you'd like to give it a try, please check out the following guidelines and get in contact with FLI at fli[at]

Our rough guidelines:
  • The content of the post should be related to blended and flexible learning.
  • We're looking for something more than a quick comment, so we suggest a minimum length of 300 words (more than 500 words is preferred).
  • Your post must be original and must have never been published before on other websites (blogs or not).
  • You agree not to publish the post (or a modified form of the post) anywhere else (not even in your own blog). Of course, the work you refer to can be published elsewhere, just not the actual blog post.
  • You can include a link to your own site, which will be displayed at the top of the post with your name, as guest contributor, and School. The actual post can include multiple links, though please be respectful of your audience and not include too many.
  • You can include images. The images should have an appropriate Creative Commons license or equivalent. FLI should be able to alter (resize or crop, for instance) and publish them.
  • Sponsored or paid articles are not accepted. Self promotional articles or articles promoting commercial products or services are not accepted.
  • Finally, FLI has to approve the post. Please contact Carole Hunter (chunter[at] you'd like more details, or if you want to discuss your proposal.
If this all sounds OK to you, and you have something to share, you can send your guest post directly to fli[at] Generally you'll get a response within 48 hours.

Guidelines: Adapted from
Photo: cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by s_w_ellis